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  5. Shop Management: How to Perform a Refund

Shop Management: How to Perform a Refund

The Manager SE program does not have an official refund function; however there are several workarounds. Every shop is unique and choosing the proper refund method will depend on how the management software is configured and overall shop objectives. We highly recommend visiting the Shop Management Forums for suggestions and alternate methods.


Step 1:  Initial Setup (Optional)
Creating a category and account class is optional but can help identify which line items were refunded through reports.

  1. Create a Category called “Refund”.
  2. Create an Account Class called, “Refund”.

Step 2:  Creating the Order

  1. Create a New order for the Customer you wish to provide a refund to.
    • NOTE: If you’re trying to show on an existing order you’re refunding a part or labor to a customer a New order is not required.
  2. Identify the line item(s) you’d like to Refund to the customer
  3. Add item(s) to the order
    • If you’re refunding a previous order’s line items you can copy the line items from a history order or open order.
    • NOTE: If asked to combine line items click “No”
  4. Adjust line item(s) to display as a negative.
    • Parts: Add Negative (-) to the QTY
    • Labor: Add Negative (-) to the LaborTotal$
    • Sublet: Add Negative (-) to the Total $
    • NOTE: Do not adjust tax for these line items, the Shop Management software will adjust tax properly for the return.
  5. Update line item(s) Category and Account Class to “Refund” (OPTIONAL)
    • This is only applicable if Step 1 above was followed.
  6. Next, Convert the order to an Invoice.

Step 3:  Paying the Invoice

  1. Click on Options, and then Apply Payments.
  2. Pay invoice using a Negative Amount and selecting the form of payment for return.(Currently e-Pay is not an option for a return, must use Cash, Check, Visa, MasterCard, Discover or another defined payment type)
  3. Click No on Post Additional Payments.
  4. Click Yes on Post this Invoice.

Report Details:

  • The Cash ReceiptsCash Receipts by Payment Type, and Cash Receipts Summary reports will reflect a negative payment On Invoice.
  • The Revenue by GL Code report will show negative revenue for the Refunds account class. Please note that negative values in the Revenue by GL Code report will display as “Unassigned”. You can reference the account class by its numerical GL Code.
  • Refunds using this method are categorized as negative parts revenue. For example, the Sales Receipts Summary report will reflect refunds as negative non-taxable parts revenue. Gross and parts sales in the Business Summary report will also show refunds as negative revenue.
  • If you’d like to send this article for review later or easy access please enter email address below.

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