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  5. Shop Management: Back Ordered, Partially Received, and Cancelled Parts

Shop Management: Back Ordered, Partially Received, and Cancelled Parts

When ordering multiples of a single part, you can receive or cancel a portion of the order total. P.O.s can be used to track the status of individual parts that are on order. Items can be placed on back order, partial totals can be received, or partially cancelled. Notes can also be added to the status of the order.

Back Ordered, Partially Received, and Cancelled Parts

  1. Open the Purchase Order Worksheet. Next, double-click the part in question.
  2. In the Edit/Receive Parts for Purchase Order window, enter how many parts ReceivedBack Ordered, and Cancelled. The Notes field can be used for additional information. Once complete, click OK.
  3. The Qty Received to Date Qty Remaining on Order will reflect the new status of the part. Note that the Received field will be at 0, while the Back Ordered field will remain the same. If additional parts are received, enter the amount in the Received field. Then, adjust the Back Ordered field accordingly. Once complete, click OK.

    Tip:  To reduce the Qty Received to Date value, enter a negative quantity in the Received field.
  4. When the Qty Received to Date matches the Quantity to Order, the part will change to green to reflect as ReceivedThen, Close PO once all parts have been received.

Note:  If you are returning an already received item, it is recommended to use the Returns function under Inventory Transactions rather than altering P.O.s.

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