Poor DVD drive performance and/or HDD functioning slower?

  1. Right-Click on My Computer and go to Properties.
  2. Go to Device Manager.
  3. Go to IDE ATA/ATAPI Controllers.
  4. Right-Click on both Primary IDE Channel and Secondary IDE Channel. Go to Properties> Advanced Settings. The devices listed need to have a transfer mode of DMA. If not, they might say PIO, follow steps 5 – 8, to change to DMA.
  5. Close the properties Windows for the Channels.
  6. Right-Click on each IDE Channel separately and choose Uninstall.
  7. Reboot computer when done.
  8. Once restarted, the computer will install new drivers for the CD/DVD devices, and restart again.
  9. Once restarted, follow steps 1 – 4.
  10. Verify the Transfer Modes are set for DMA.
  11. Finished.

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