Symptom: Print options and setup options are truncated.
Affected Products: OnDemand 5 / Shopkey 5 Web Products.
There are several possible solutions for this issue, please try all of the steps listed below:
1. Check the text size on the View option of Internet explorer and check if it’s on Medium:
• Then go to Tools, choose Internet Options:
• On the General tab, click on Accessibility at the bottom right:
• Make sure there is no check on “Ignore font sizes specified on webpages”:
2. Go to Display setting by either right clicking on the desktop and selecting properties, or go to
Control Panel and choose Display Properties and choose the Appearance tab, make sure the font
is Normal:
3. Also check the Settings tab and go to Advanced:
• On the General tab check the DPI settings and make sure its on Normal size (96 DPI):