Ondemand5 Desktop 5.8.2: 1006 and 1009 ( 2006, 2009, 3006, 3009, 4006, 4009 ) error message opening program
1006 and 1009 error message can be cause by the SOMTS service not running or mismatch time, date or regional settings. Check that all workstations match the time, date and regional settings of host.
For a single user, please make sure that the regional settings also apply to other users and future users. Below is the information on how to apply these settings.
For XP, go to Control Panel\Regional and Language Options. Under the Advance tab, check the box at the bottom to “Apply all settings to the current user account and to the default user profile.” (If these changes do not work, restart the SOMTS service)

For VISTA\7, go to Control Panel\Region and Language. Under the Administrative tab, click on the “Copy Settings” button and check the 2 boxes at the bottom and click OK. (If these changes do not work, restart the SOMTS service)