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  5. Gain Additional Business with Stored Recommendations

Gain Additional Business with Stored Recommendations

Many shops report that they can stay busy when they go back to their customer database and send out Recommendations letters. Typically they date-range back 6 months to a year and prompt customers about repair needs identified within that timeframe. Goes like this:

NOTE: For this exercise, be sure Print to Screen is selected in Reports dialog box or results will go to your printer.

  1. Go to Reports, select Followup tab
  2. Choose FL – Recommendation for Work 1 as the “report”
  3. On the Recommend tab build the Search as desired:
    • Date range back one year
    • Try Category < All > now; filter option for fewer results
    • Keep Print Recommendations checked so they appear in letter
    • Try with Vehicle Make and Zip Code set to < All > for now
  4. Click on Search to build a list of customers who qualify
  5. Click on Print and then Print Letters/Postcards to preview results

    Each customer would receive a custom letter that included their name, address, vehicle and recommendations with dates and details.
  6. Click the Red in the upper RH corner to close print preview then Cancel and Cancel once more to close the boxes.

In the actual process, a dialog box displays at the end, asking to Mark these as printed? Y/N By saying Yes, a system date stamp is placed on the Recommendation itself. When viewed from Vehicle screen, users can tell that a Followup letter was created and sent on that date.

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