Update Vendor for Inventory

These are instructions for how to update all inventory parts being sourced from one vendor to another vendor.

This will only find and update vendors listed under Vendor #1 for inventory parts

For this example we are using Nexpart as the vendor we are changing from and Nexpart Enhanced as the vendor we are changing to.

ALWAYS backup your Manager SE database before making any significant changes.

  1. Go to the Inventory menu and select Inventory List.
  1. Select the old vendor (Nexpart) from the Vendor drop-down list; click the Search icon (or press ENTER) to get list.
  2. Click on the Update button (bottom row) to continue with these selected part records.
  1. Select the new vendor (Nexpart Enhanced) from the Vendor drop-down list; then click OK.
  1. Click on Yes to the inventory records update confirmation.
Your Inventory List screen goes blank to reflect this change. The primary vendor update process is now complete.
  1. Select the new vendor (Nexpart Enhanced) from the Vendor drop-down list; click the Search icon (or press ENTER) to get list. The part records listed now belong to new vendor (Nexpart Enhanced).
  2. Click on Done to close the Inventory List screen.

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