OnDemand5 / Shopkey5 Desktop Activation / Extend a Lease

Any references for OnDemand5 in this article can be replaced for Shopkey5

  1. Open the OnDemand5 or Shopkey5 program.
  2. Go to ‘Help’ at the top of the screen and click About OnDemand5.
  3. Check the lease expiration dates to see which product(s) need to be updated and then click View License.  You will then see the License Information page. Click Update.

  4. If an Internet Connection is available, the license will update automatically with a small box saying Establishing Connection.  Once it connects, you will see a Software License Activation screen where you will need to enter your Account Number, Company Name, Telephone number, and Postal Code. Then click OK.
  5. You will get a message saying Your license has been updated.  Click OK and you are finished.
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