Using the Vintage DVD on Windows Vista/Windows 7

The Vintage (Yellow Package) DVD program can be used on Vista or Windows 7, as long as the steps below are followed:

Versions Affected:
Vintage (currently all versions).


Steps to use on Vista or Windows 7:

  1. DO NOT install Adobe Reader from the Vintage Splash Screen.
  2. Close the splash screen.
  3. Access over the internet. (If there is no internet connection, they will need to install the software via other means). The copy on the Vintage disc will not run on Windows Vista.
  4. Download and install Adobe Reader 8.1.2 or greater from their website.

After this is installed, access Vintage data in this manner:

  1. Insert the Vintage disk.
  2. If the splash screen appears, Close it.
  3. Explore the DVD through My Computer.
  4. Open Index.html on the disk.
  5. Use Vintage as normal.
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