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  5. Manager.ServiceManager.exe / FileNotFoundException

Manager.ServiceManager.exe / FileNotFoundException

Unexpected Error – Manager.ServiceManager.exe does not exist / System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Report file missing

You may get one of these error shortly after updating to 8.5.2.x / 9.1.0.x. To resolve:

  1. Close out of Manager SE
  2. Right click on the shortcut Manager SE.
  3. Properties
  4. Shortcut tab
  5. Set “Start in” to:
    "C:\Program Files (x86)\M1-SK\Teamworks"
    • Include quotes
  6. OK.
  7. Shortcut is fixed now!
  8. Open Manager SE via the desktop shortcut
  9. Check if there is a pinned shortcut for Manager SE on the taskbar. Recreate the pinned shortcut for Manager SE if there is one by unpinning the shortcut and pinning it again with Manager SE open.

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