- Vehicle list not available; after selecting year.
- Estimator Data is not covered or not available from manufacturer; after selecting the Estimator Tab.
- Repair Data is not covered or not available from manufacturer; after selecting the Repair Tab.
- After selecting year, the Make is grayed out.
Affected Versions:
OnDemand 5, Shopkey 5 (all versions).
- Register the Repair data once more.
- Register the Estimating dats once more. On the “Copy Estimator Data” screen, remove the check box next to “Copy all of the Estimator data to your computer” and click “Next”. Once the copy process has completed, click “Finish”. If the Estimator Data was previously copied to your computer, reset the data paths by clicking on “Setup” and then “Data Paths” from the home screen.The paths are the following:
Estimator 1: X:\Mitchell1\OnDemand5\Shared\PLM\PLM1
Estimator 2: X:\Mtichell1\OnDemand5\Shared\PLM\PLM2
(CD Version only. Only Estimator 1 needs to be set with the DVD.)
- Possible dirty data disc or substandard CD/DVD drive. Clean data disc or try a different CD/DVD drive. Then “Update Data” again.
- Rename ODM or PLM folder and add data products again.
- Uninstall and delete Od5/Sk5 .ini files, then reinstall program.